PhD student Kristen Morrow was awarded Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant funds to support pre-dissertation field work in Indonesia this summer. PhD Candidate April K Smith was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award presented by the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. April was also awarded the Summer Doctoral Research Fellowship for Summer 2018. PhD Candidate Carey J. Garland was awarded a Sigma Xi Grants-in-aid for his research on St. Catherines Island, Georgia. He is conducting barium/calcium elementa analysis of tooth enamel via laser abaltion to examine weaning and stress patterns in indigenous Guale individuals during the Early Colonial period. Carey also had a publication accepted for the Fall issue of Early Georgia, which explores variations in early life dietary and stress histories of individuals interred at the Early Colonial site of Fallen Tree. PhD Candidate Samm Holder was awarded the Human Biology Association Student Travel Award for her essay entitled "Human Biology: What issue(s) should drive research over the next 5 years?".