March 2018: PhD Candidate April K Smith was awarded the Summer Doctoral Research Fellowship for Summer 2018. February 2018: PhD student Kristen Morrow was awarded Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant funds to support pre-dissertation field work in Indonesia this summer. PhD Candidate April K Smith was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award presented by the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia. January 2018: PhD Candidate Carey J. Garland was awarded a Sigma Xi Grants-in-aid for his research on St. Catherines Island, Georgia. He is conducting barium/calcium elementa analysis of tooth enamel via laser abaltion to examine weaning and stress patterns in indigenous Guale individuals during the Early Colonial period. PhD Candidate Carey J. Garland had a publication accepted for the Fall issue of Early Georgia, which explores variations in early life dietary and stress histories of individuals interred at the Early Colonial site of Fallen Tree.